In February 2025, the Australian government is providing a one-time $400 payment increase to Age Pension recipients to help with rising living costs. This initiative aims to offer financial relief to seniors facing economic challenges.
Centrelink February 2025 Pension Increase
The $400 Centrelink payment increase in February 2025 represents the Australian government’s effort to support seniors amid rising living costs.
By understanding the eligibility criteria and ensuring your personal information is up-to-date, you can seamlessly receive this financial assistance.
Aspect | Details |
Payment Amount | One-time $400 increase |
Eligibility | Age Pension recipients aged 65 and above; Australian citizens or permanent residents |
Payment Date | February 2025; exact date may vary |
How to Claim | Automatic for eligible recipients; ensure personal details are up-to-date with Centrelink via MyGov |
Official Source | Services Australia |
Understanding the $400 Centrelink Payment Increase
The Australian government has announced a one-time $400 payment for Age Pension recipients to help offset the pressures of inflation and the rising cost of living.
This measure reflects the government’s commitment to supporting seniors in maintaining their quality of life.
What Is The Eligibility Criteria?
To qualify for the $400 payment, you must:
- Be an Age Pension Recipient: Currently receiving the Age Pension through Centrelink.
- Age Requirement: Aged 65 years or older.
- Residency Status: An Australian citizen or permanent resident.
It’s important to note that spouses with a permanent visa, as well as widows, dependents, and survivors who meet income and asset limits, are also eligible for this payment.
Payment Date
The $400 payment is scheduled to be disbursed in February 2025. While exact dates may vary, eligible recipients can expect to receive the funds by the end of the month. The payment will be made automatically, so there’s no need to apply separately.
How to Claim the Centrelink February 2025 Pension Increase?
For most eligible individuals, the $400 payment will be deposited automatically into the same bank account where regular Age Pension payments are received. To ensure a smooth process:
- Verify Eligibility: Confirm that you are currently receiving the Age Pension and meet the age and residency requirements.
- Update Personal Information: Log in to your MyGov account linked to Centrelink to ensure your personal details, including bank account information, are current.
- Await Payment: The payment will be processed automatically; no additional application is necessary.
If you do not receive the payment by the end of February 2025, contact Services Australia for assistance.
Why Is This Payment Important?
The $400 pension boost aims to assist older Australians in coping with increasing living costs, including:
- Housing and Utility Expenses – Helping cover rising costs for electricity, gas, and rent.
- Groceries and Daily Necessities – Alleviating the financial strain caused by inflation on household budgets.
- Medical and Healthcare Expenses – Offsetting out-of-pocket costs for prescriptions and medical treatments.
For numerous pensioners, this one-time financial support offers essential relief during ongoing economic difficulties.
The $400 Centrelink payment increase in February 2025 represents the Australian government’s effort to support seniors amid rising living costs.
By understanding the eligibility criteria and ensuring your personal information is up-to-date, you can seamlessly receive this financial assistance.
Do I need to apply for the $400 payment?
No, the payment will be made automatically to eligible Age Pension recipients.
Will this payment affect my regular-age pension benefits?
No, the $400 is a one-time additional payment and will not impact your regular pension benefits.
What should I do if I haven’t received the payment by the end of February 2025?
Contact Services Australia to inquire about the status of your payment.
Thank you as l public housing rent went up so much in one fortnight lm really struggling with all our bills and Medicare has been ten times harder when we are in constant pain to get a steroid needle which we were never out pocket l can’t receive anymore 300 a time and only get $150 back l have to have 3 all up . So l have to suffer
Please help, it is so hard, some weeks we struggle to pay our rent.
Make sure thos is legitimate
Phone services aust first
There are so many scams out there,this one asking all bank details
I hope it is for real
I am single Age pdnsioner
I have more problem can help me please
Pls help 🙏 😢
And i pay per Month Rent $ 1783
I need extra cash
What about me we need money bills cost of living fuel etx Christine
Pls sort out Medicare for a steroid injection so l can stay independent not have to go on a walking frame or scooter it horrific l was always independent l don’t want to rely on no frame or scooter meaning government funding don’t want that
Believe it when it see it in the bank
My thoughts exactly so many different sites saying pensioners will be getting extra money but it never eventuates
What about veterans, are they eligible??
It’s all well and good to get the payment which we certainly need to help with the rising cost of living BUT why doesn’t the government STOP SA Housing from taking a Quarter of that money which they will for rent ON TOP OF the additional Quarter of your pension. Tell me how fair that is.
Wow, das klingt ja nach einer super Hilfe für die Rentner! Ich erinnere mich, als ich das erste Mal meinen Garten richtig angelegt habe und alles schiefging – Pflanzen tot, Rasenmäher kaputt, und am Ende musste ich mir eine neue Schaufel kaufen, weil ich die alte im Schuppen vergessen hatte. Naja, wenn die Rentner die 400 Dollar nutzen können, um ihre Gärten auf Vordermann zu bringen, wäre das der Hammer! Ein schöner Garten kann so viel Lebensqualität bringen!
Your in Australia be greatful for a pension
Hear Hear Be greatful for what we have ✌️🇦🇺
Can you please write Aussie please Matthias you are in Australia mate.
I want to order centrlink payment pension $400 today please and I can go to account centrelink claim please
You don’t order money from centrelink mate we all need money to pay our bills feed our children ive got 7$ in my purse my cars unregistered and my partner of 25 yrs has been cheating for 20 of them i need money can you help you probably got heaps with that last name ask a relative bro not centrelink it’s for people who are in dire freakn straits help the mothers struggling albanesi you sleezy prick and you noggin go back to china
What about the Disability Pension, who are in the same situation as those on the Aged Pension, when ii comes to the cost of inflation, and rising costs of living.. why doesn’t this apply to all those on a pension. .l really don’t understand.
I agree people on disability have medical bills and it costs so much to live and then medical on top of that, and more places have no bulk billing money straight out of your pocket and you don’t get much back on Medicare, DSP needs a boost
I agree I’m on the carers pension which is the same amount of money as the aged pension people on any centrelink money need help.
Will be very helpful. Much appreciated !
Much appreciated 🎉
What a load of bull
I agree it’s just a scam.
I don’t think it’s fair the age pension gets a 1 off payment of $400 and people on disability support pension ages 60 don’t get nothing and people on new start also get more fair go Mr albo I’m 60 years old I also struggle
Agree 110% with Debbie I’m 56amd on disability epileptic and colossal bag on my stomach i am so stressed out from battling to survive where is a one off for people on centrelink that aren’t aged like parents with children who are literally starving so they can feed there children and pet pay there rent nothing left to do anything at all I’m in very bad health and i vant eat every night or my children go without my beautiful 16yr old daughter trying to finish high school just started yr 11 and she starves herself thru the day hoping it helps Albanesi get your head out of your ars as helpnthe people who need it G i hope you lose the election reckon Kermit the frog do a better job running Australia then you
So I’m 64 and on a disability pension and we miss out. Because. I don’t own my flat etc I have no super or any investments. So I’m not untitled to any assistance what so ever. I don’t see that this is fair. More like chasing votes that’s all this is. You wouldn’t have gotten my vote what ever the situation is.😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
Well said David, you are hitting the nail on the head.
Vote grabbing for sure f…kn grubs they put us in this bloody mess
Totally stinks that a person on a full disability pension does not get the 1 of $400 payment we have the same circumstances as an aged pensioner
Thank you to the Australian Government for your efforts to assist us.
Your generous support is overwhelming.
Suzi caruana x
Confusing!! Is the criteria “age pension “ or “over 65”
Aged pensioners IS for over 65’s
Many thanks a welcomed bonus
People who think LNP party are going to be there for us aged or disabled think again. Their past discretions have harmed innocent people and driven them to suicide and have always been there for the rich while ignoring the poor. Do you think you will be better off, think again. At least the ALP have stopped the billionaires from receiving all this financial help the LNP have been dishing out to them.
100% correct 👍🇦🇺
Thank you for this payment. It will make a difference
.I am waiting to see if I will get the carers allowance. For Paul Gascoyne.. I am caring for him until someone else is available..I am his mother and nominee.
Thank you for this payment
What about self funded retirees. We have to pay bills and eat as well. We have paid taxes and aren’t pludging off the government. In this country if you aren’t a pensioner,a family, unemployed or indigenous you are overlooked. How is that fair.
Is the increase per couple or each
Im 66 and on a disability pension do i get the one off $400 ??? Im not as yet on the old age pension
Royalties from mining fukn government scamming fogs
I’m on DSP can I get the money.
This a hole still wont get my vote kick the liar out
In WA we can’t get on the aged pension until we are 67 and a half. So it won’t benefit all those aged 65 and over who are struggling and waiting to be on the aged pension. Vote grabbing again
Self funded retires get absolutely nothing even though we’ve paid taxes all our working life and still are paying taxes.
So I get a one off addition of $400 to my measely pension of $400 per fortnight! This is obviously a vote buy by Albo as he knows he is losing!
I betcha Albos pension wont get a measely one off $400 bonus, more like a $10% 0r more of his $500000 annual income! Like $50000 bonus which is $40000 more than my measwly pension of $10000 annually.
Worked all my life, paid my taxes, but cannot retire on the measley $400 per fortnight pension like the politicians can on their million dollar pensions!
What about penioners living overseas do we get the payment to.
Ta worked hard all my working life paid heavy taxes. It does help me and I appreciate it not like some reciepeints that can work but are career doleys RSL favs.
It gives me the shits 😡IAM 70 years old and a full time carer for my 93 year mother ,and I don’t get it 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
Thank you it will certainly help because everything is going up rent food gas water electricity specialists
I dont think its fair that prople the same age (60 plus) that have been on a long-term disability pension are excluded from this payment.
They too are affected by the high cost of living.
Skeptical…. you bet I am. Like others who have posted here, I’ll believe it when and if I get it .
Seems a good idea.
And once again the disability pensioners miss out.
I’m 70 on a Dissabillaty pension why am I not included am I not a pensioner?
I’m on disability and over 65 and trying to find a job. They pulled my disability employment services eligibility when I turned 67 in January and now I won’t get this as well – go figure
Also the government is reducing funding to my aged care providers – people over 65 are becoming the “forgotten generation “
What about job seekers 60 and over we have to love you try getting a job at this age just had 2 knees replaced go postrate problem and Barrett’s disease and have to cope with these as well as look for work witch I do but $729 doesn’t seem much to make ends meet if I lived in Melbourne I would get more cause I don’t know why it must be like Tasmanian wages are lower than mainland looks at what liberal can do for us older jobseekers
How about people on carers pension??
Because obviously Disability Support pensioners, who receive exactly the same benefit, somehow don’t get any of this help with their miraculously unaffected costs of living. Not exactly fair is it?
The way things stand at the moment with the cost of living all pensioners need $400 extra every fortnight. Not just a one off. Stop sending money and weapons to Ukraine and look after your own country Mr Albo.
Aged pension is aged 67 not 65, is this a smoke screen? Sounds like government bull dust
Thank you 🙏 will be very helpful,much appreciated I need extra money for specialist Pls help 🙏🙏🙏🤞
I am 69 and on a disability support pension please provide an answer as to why me and probably thousands of others that are in the same position as to why we are not listed to receive the $400.00 ” Cost of living payment ” aren’t we struggling just as much?
Thank you Mr Albo
Fantastic for aged pensioners but can someone explain to me why disability pensioners aren’t getting it as well?
Does the government think we are less worthy? Has our cost of living not increased as well? Being in social housing, every time we get a pension or rent assistance increase, the landlord just takes it in remt increases!
Disability costs that the NDIS doesn’t cover are not cheap at all, so in many cases, our cost of living pressures are substantially higher than aged pensioners & leaving us out of this $400 bonus smacks of ableism!
It’s nothing short of not giving a stuff about disabled Australians!!
Well done to Anthony Albanesi, he is a man of the people & the best Prime Minister we’ve had since we moved here from the UK in 2007.
As a cancer patient this $400 is greatly appreciated considering that twice a year scans and tests cost me nearly double that amount one scan is $720 and the other is $550 these scans are only days apart and as you can see their total is more than a pension payment and has to be saved for
Thank you for the $400 to assist pensioners. Very appreciated.
Labour government has done more to help pensioners & low income than the Liberals have ever done.. They are not for the working class at all!
What about over 65’s who are on a career pension looking after a disabled son.
What about for me because I’m living at the (Cyprus) now I am age pensioner also most of the things more expensive than Australia here.(North Cyprus)
This will be like the power relief at the start of the financial year. They didn’t tell us you had to be a power customer b4 the 30th June. Or like the $400 old age people were supposed to get at Christmas. Just more government bull.
I am I 70 and am still receiving DSP. Do I receive the $400 payment